Thursday 10 November 2016


A dictatorship is a form of government where the majority, if not all of the power is granted to one individual. The people being governed have no say in the way they are governed, and are unable to make any changes to the political system. Whereas democracy thrives on freedom, a dictatorship thrives on oppression.

Democracy literally means the rule of the people. It has been defined as government of the people, by the people for the people. Modern democracy rests on the principle of representation. The people elect their representatives by vote. These representatives attend the legislature and act on behalf other citizens. If the citizens are not satisfied with their representatives, they may not re-elect them in the next elections.

The most important aspects of the democratic way of life are the principles of individual equality and freedom. Citizens in a democracy are entitled to equal protection of their persons, possessions, and rights. They also have equal opportunity to pursue lives and careers and rights of political participation. In addition citizens are free within the framework of the law, to believe, behave and express themselves as they wish. Democratic societies seek to guarantee their citizens certain freedoms, including freedom of religion, press and speech. Overall citizens choose how they want to live their life, and are forced with propaganda or indoctrination.

Thus, there can be no freedom of thought or speech under such asstm. Intesivece propaganda is employed, as was den s germy, to retain the sport of the people. Dictatorship, therefore by its very nature hampers the free development of the human personality. It does not awe for divest of political option and belief, but tends towards political regimentation or standardisation of human beings. The greatest danger of dictatorship, however, is its partiality for war as an instrument of national aggrandisement. Practically very dictate preaches war, partly because he is actuated by person amnion and partly because he suffers from an exaggerated anaionslism. Thus, there can be no freedom of thought or speech under such asstm. Intesivece propaganda is employed, as was den s germy, to retain the sport of the people. Dictatorship, therefore by its very nature hampers the free development of the human personality. It does not awe for divest of political option and belief, but tends towards political regimentation or standardisation of human beings. The greatest danger of dictatorship, however, is its partiality for war as an instrument of national aggrandisement. Practically very dictate preaches war, partly because he is actuated by person amnion and partly because he suffers from an exaggerated anaionslism.

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