Wednesday 7 December 2016

                     MY SUMMER JOB 


Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world. being photography as my passion i opted it as my summer job so that i could express a great meaning out of my passion,to the world . My only desire is to spend out my holiday by entangling into photography , get a perfect standing for it .

                    Image result for photographyImage result for summer job

 As taking up the part of this summer job , my heart had set on Paris which I felt as a perfect destination . Heaping up my snaps i could like to show my self , what i am and my ability shaping it into a magalogue. Coming to the scene at Paris my first step will be enrouting to Eiffel Tower. Understanding its importance , that most of the people are not apprised of its history - the famous seventy two names carved! and many more at the beautiful spot... Paris ! My only intention is to often exhibit the oeuvre like how artists exhibit their paintings . Many people believe photography as an art , but it actually makes a person realise what he actually is by expressing the vision , communicate an idea and evoke some emotions which made me feel that i opted the best job for this expedition in summer . I believe each series of my images forma a frame and fame to my feelings that i wish to manifest and considering it as a most prestigious job . I had already made it as my ambition 

Saturday 26 November 2016

   The possibility of life in outer-space.

Out of the billions of solar systems, there has to be a chance that a least a couple planets have the ability to support life. Life may have developed on the planets like life developed here, but it may have developed differently also. Are they more intelligent than we are or are they single-celled organisms? It goes back to how life on Earth started. In the early days of Earth, we learned that the atmosphere was just carbon monoxide, but plants produced oxygen. Some of earth's fossil records indicate that within a billion year period of it's formation as a planet, as soon as heavy bombardment by asteroids ceased, primitive organisms such as bacteria and algae evolved and spread around the globe very quickly. This mystery makes it hard for us to figure out how life would arise on other planets. 

Image result for outer-space.

In order to help people figure out what planets out there could support life and may have life on them, we have to look at what life needs to survive. It is believed that if a planet looks like Earth and has liquid water and oxygen, then this would present strong evidence for its having life. If there is other life out there, what are the chances of finding it in our lifetime, or even our children's lifetime. Conditions have to be just perfect to develop life. But under the right circumstances life can arise. The question still stands. Does life exist on other planets? Are they intelligent? Will we ever really know?.

Saturday 12 November 2016

   The commercialisation of sports industry

With the ever-increasing commercialisation of sports industry , big sports today have gone a far way from merely being a form of exercise and amateur sports to an industry. The sporting federations in order to acquire players, and pay for their ever-increasing salaries spend a huge amount of money. The advent of satellite television with dedicated sports channels has considerably increased the market for sports broadcasts. India, too, is no stranger to this phenomenon and the major sport undergoing such a commercial revolution is every sports.

To promise continuous income from sports, commercialism must be offer in huge urban locations with high attention of prospective spectators. Towns and cities are excellent for constructing different stadiums, creating new teams, and producing new sports to multi million populations. Additionally, the viewers need to represent middle to high revenue demographic group that is willing to donate time and financial resources to their most desired sports. Since low income populations are unable to invest important amount of money on sports. Apart from wasting money on tickets and televised events, visitors are predicted to spend in merchandise supported by legend athletes and qualified sport teams.

Thursday 10 November 2016


A dictatorship is a form of government where the majority, if not all of the power is granted to one individual. The people being governed have no say in the way they are governed, and are unable to make any changes to the political system. Whereas democracy thrives on freedom, a dictatorship thrives on oppression.

Democracy literally means the rule of the people. It has been defined as government of the people, by the people for the people. Modern democracy rests on the principle of representation. The people elect their representatives by vote. These representatives attend the legislature and act on behalf other citizens. If the citizens are not satisfied with their representatives, they may not re-elect them in the next elections.

The most important aspects of the democratic way of life are the principles of individual equality and freedom. Citizens in a democracy are entitled to equal protection of their persons, possessions, and rights. They also have equal opportunity to pursue lives and careers and rights of political participation. In addition citizens are free within the framework of the law, to believe, behave and express themselves as they wish. Democratic societies seek to guarantee their citizens certain freedoms, including freedom of religion, press and speech. Overall citizens choose how they want to live their life, and are forced with propaganda or indoctrination.

Thus, there can be no freedom of thought or speech under such asstm. Intesivece propaganda is employed, as was den s germy, to retain the sport of the people. Dictatorship, therefore by its very nature hampers the free development of the human personality. It does not awe for divest of political option and belief, but tends towards political regimentation or standardisation of human beings. The greatest danger of dictatorship, however, is its partiality for war as an instrument of national aggrandisement. Practically very dictate preaches war, partly because he is actuated by person amnion and partly because he suffers from an exaggerated anaionslism. Thus, there can be no freedom of thought or speech under such asstm. Intesivece propaganda is employed, as was den s germy, to retain the sport of the people. Dictatorship, therefore by its very nature hampers the free development of the human personality. It does not awe for divest of political option and belief, but tends towards political regimentation or standardisation of human beings. The greatest danger of dictatorship, however, is its partiality for war as an instrument of national aggrandisement. Practically very dictate preaches war, partly because he is actuated by person amnion and partly because he suffers from an exaggerated anaionslism.

Wednesday 9 November 2016


    ·Most of us begin our day with brushing our teeth by using some brand of toothpaste or tooth powder.· That can be the our first action of poisoning ourselves every morning.· For many, it can also be the last action of poisoning their bodies every nightwith the toxic chemicals present in almost all the dentifrices.
·There are many dangerous chemicalsbesides fluoride, that are put in the toothpastes.·Most of the toxic chemicals are not even listed on the tubes of toothpastes.·The chemicals of a toothpaste are absorbed by the teeth, gums, mucous membranes of the mouth, and also other parts of the gastro-intestinal tract due to some toothpaste getting swallowed along with the saliva, especially by the small children.·The toxic chemicals ingested from toothpastes can cause poisoning of the teeth, bones, blood, muscles, nerves, and other parts of the body.·Over a period of months and years, the whole body of the user is adversely affected

· The end user expects a tooth paste to meet the needs for proper dental hygiene.

· They expect that it will protect the teeth from decay, help fight dental plaque and protect from gum diseases.

· This makes some wonder, whether it is safe to put those dangerous chemicals in our mouth every day twice a day.

· Let us have a look at the chemicals these toothpastes contain and their harmful effects on the body

· Triclosan
· Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
· Detergents
· Binding agents
· Humectants
· Artificial flavouring
· Artificial colors
· Preservatives such as Methylparaben and Ethylparaben
· Pyrophosphate
· Potassium nitrate
· Lauryl sarcosinate
· Polyethylene glycol
· Polypropylene glycol
· Sodium saccharin/aspartame
· Flouride has a proved ability to prevent cavities
· Most toothpaste brands use Sodium Fluoride (NaF). The main ingredient in toothpaste and rat poison.
· Babies exposed to fluoride are at high risk of developing - a permanent tooth defect caused by fluoride damaging the cells which form the teeth
· Some brands use Sodium Monofluorophosphate.

· The concentration of Fluoride in pastes for adults is 1000 to 1450 ppm maximum.

· Unless it says on the package does not contain fluoride, you are using fluoridated toothpaste.

· Fluoridated toothpaste contains 1,000 ppm fluoride.

· There is enough fluoride at 1,000 to 1,500 parts per million to kill a small child if they consume the entire tube.

· If a child consumes just part of it, it could result in either acute or chronic toxicity.

· A four to six year-old child will swallow 25 to 33% of the toothpaste they put on their toothbrush.
· Fluoride actually causes gum damage at the concentrations used in fluoridated toothpaste at 1,000 ppm.

· Fluoride poisons enzyme activity and slows down the ability of the gums to repair them. If you brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste, you will suffer gum damage

· Fluoride may damage the developing brain, causing learning deficits and other problems

· Risk to the thyroid gland, bone cancer, kidney patients

· Toothpastes usually contain bactericidal agents as Triclosan that kills bacteria.

Saturday 29 October 2016

Stress and Its Effects on Young People Today

The term stress may be utilized in several approaches . Stress is the pressure or tension applies over an object . There are many things that cause stress. Some of them are failing a test, too much homework and projects, sports practices, deadlines of projects, worrying about something. Because of this, they are likely to feel even more upset that they come across these effects of stress.

In modern life many persons have stress. They obtain stress from overworking. It has results on them that may have a terrible consequence on their lives. There are points such as not having enough sleep, making difficulties in their education, and pains that are very dangerous to their body. This is caused by youth working too difficult or remaining up too long to do something. Every person must take care about own health and try to avoid stress situations.

Those are enough to have an effect on your public life. If person often get into stress situations, after a while he or she becomes more nervous. In this cases very often persons start to be sick. That is why every individual must avoid stress situation in own life.

Friday 22 July 2016

    WHY ARE TATTOOS IN STYLE AND WHAT DO                               THEY EXPRESS ?

Fashion is the synonym of change, and style is a sort of fashion. With the presence of human being on earth, this fashion and style exists in various forms depending on the advancement of the thoughts of each and every human being . The time in which we are living now is at the peak of modernization, fashion and style. There are many things which speak for style and fashion. Different styles also depict different traditions, rules and customs.  I think that  people tend to get tattoos maybe to exemplify something or to make them stand out and be unique. Tattoos are in style because it convey something significant to someone and they would have it with them forever. Some tattoos have a certain style and fashion and someone probably really likes. Most of the time people dedicate their tattoo to someone actually important to them, such as family or loved ones. Also tattoos can express our hobbies and our religion. I also think that most of the population get tattoos are the people who are into gangs because they want people in their gang to know what kind of individual they are and what they claim and their committal to their gang. The other population that get tattoos would be the people that like to convey or want to show meaning to something important .In spite of of the fashion, style and meaning of tattoo, medical science restricts to make tattoos as they are the major source of contamination thus leading to deadly diseases. So if you be fond of to have tattoos on your body then make sure you are not playing with your physical condition. Sticker like tattoo are better than fixed ones.